Place-Based Research-Creation Prompts


Written with Emily Roehl for participant research teams in the 2020 Energy In/Out of Place Workshop. They present a useful way to introduce students or colleagues to potential place-based research-creation methods, or to mix up your own strategy of conducting place-based qualitative research.

Pdf hosted here.

Making and Meeting Online:

A White Paper on E-Conferences, Workshops, and other Experiments in Low-Carbon Research Exchange


A set of best-practices, protocols, and rationales for hosting an accessible, inclusive, low-carbon conference or workshop. Co-written with Caleb Wellum and Emily Roehl.

Pdf hosted here.

Gendered Harassment in Higher Ed

A zine of reflections and resources on combating sexual harassment and discrimination in the academy, co-written with several union comrades in GSOC-UAW-Local 2110—-the grad workers at NYU.

Pdf hosted here.

Grant Writing Tips

How to find and apply to funding opportunities as a grad student, with plenty of strategies for effective grant writing and editing.

Pdf hosted here.